오늘(26일) 국제관 321호에서 <고려대학교 대학원생 학술대회>가 열립니다. 줌(Zoom)으로 동시 송출 중이니 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.
줌 회의: https://korea-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/98863180829?pwd=UWRzRlhMT0VsUVFGSVVERlM3UlVBdz09
회의 ID: 988 6318 0829
암호: RhRFd4DrT2
<제1주제 : Pre and Post Liberation>(10:00~12:00)
- Reimagining Korea during the Cold War: Koreagate, Race, and Memory (Soo Yeon Jeong, University of Toronto)
- The Birth of Modern Youth Care Facilities in Colonial Korea (Yoon Hwa Walker, SOAS)
- Revealing the History of Korean Colonised Victims of Forced Labour – Educational Dark Tourism at the World Heritage Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution (Nikolai Johnsen, SOAS)
토론: Dr. Howard Kahm
<제2주제 : Repurposing Tradition and Ideas> (13:0~15:00)
- The Invention of Taoist Nationalism: Focusing on Yi Neung-hwa (고현정, 고려대학교)
- 근대 전환기 ‘비일상’ 체험과 여성 교육 –한일 여자교과서 『부녀감』과 『여자독본』 비교를 중심으로 (박시언, 성균관대학교)
- 17~18세기 ‘華陽洞’ 공간의 정치적 의미 (박소희, 고려대학교)
토론: 이윤미
<제3주제 : Clashing Perceptions> (15:30-17:30)
- Interstices of National Character Studies: The Deployment of Anthropological Knowledge in War-making and Colonialism in the US and Japan (Youjoung Kim, Johns Hopkins University)
- Repurposing the Confucian Classics in the Yun Ch’iho’s Diaries: The Impact of Confucianism on Yun’s Worldviews during the Japanese Colonial Era (Sueun Chae, Syracuse University)
- The Clashed Emotions: Chosŏn Korean’s perception and emotions toward the West, 1876-1902 (Chanhee Lee, SOAS)
토론: Dr. John DiMoia
폐회사 (17:30-17:45)